**Correction about .deb Files** If your .deb files do not open with GDebi Package Installer when you double click on them but rather Archive Manager, then right click on them, select Open With Other Application... type "gdebi-gtk" for custom command. Select 'Remember this application for "Debian package" files' and it should now open all .deb files when you double click on it.
If you're not interested in the games, the installation procedures for the various file types could be useful located down below for all of the games in the Humble Indie Bundles #1 and #2.
There are quite a few games available natively on Linux that are actually quite fun. For starters, Indie developers love us and we love them. That's why it is a good idea to support projects such as
The Humble Indie Bundle when it comes up. The Humble group has set up a donation with Indie developers that lets you decide on a tip being split however you like between the game developers,
Electronic Frontier Foundation,
Child's Play Charity, and
Humble Bundle, inc. The goal of this project is to let people donate any amount they want or can to the project to get all the available DRM-free, cross-platform games(Windows/Linux/Mac). They also work with programs such as Steam, Desura, and OnLive to give you keys to access your games there to.
When a humble bundle is available that you've purchased, or you may already own one (or the games themselves). You'll possibly have access to the a screen that looks like the one below:
One of the first things you most games have multiple installers. At very least, they almost all have DIFFERENT types of installers. So, first thing we need to do is figure out how we deal with the the various installation files.
Installing Braid (braid-linux-build2.run.bin)
In order to install this file, open terminal and navigate to the directory that the game was downloaded and type the following commands:
chmod +x braid-linux-build2.run.bin
This will install bring up a menu to install Braid and eventually have you choose between the 32- and 64-bit installation. The game will be located in Menu -> Games.
If you get an OpenGL error while trying to run this game then it may be an issue with GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc being disabled
due to licensing in your country. It can apparently be remedied by typing apt-get install driconf in terminal and turning that feature on in driconf configuration under Image Quality tab.
Installing Cortex Command (cortex_command-amd64-installer-b24-12162010.bin)
Cortex Command will install exactly the same way as Braid did. So open up terminal and type the following commands (it will change depending on if you have the 32 or 62 bit file):
chmod +x cortex_command-amd64-installer-b24-12162010.bin
The game will be located in Menu -> Games.
Installing Machinarium (Machinarium_full_en.tar.gz)
This one is going to be a little different and more difficult to install, but let's start by going to terminal and navigating to location that Machinarium was downloaded to. In particular, this one doesn't actually have an installer and is a flash game.
tar xvf Machinarium_full_en.tar.gz
mv Machinarium ~/Machinarium
To give this a menu launcher, go to Menu -> Preferences -> Main Menu. From Main Menu, go to Games -> New Item and use the following launcher properties for Machinarium:
Type: Application
Name: Machinarium
Command: bash -c "cd ~/Machinarium/ && ./Machinarium"
If you would like an icon for it, I am using
this one. This game is not currently capable of being launched from the MintMenu, but can be launched from a Gnome Main Menu (Right click on Task Bar, Add to Panel -> Main Menu). Otherwise, you can just right click on the application and open it from the ~/Machinarium directory.
Installing Osmos (Osmos_1.6.1.deb)
This is going to be one of the easiest things you will install. Debian packages are basically installation files for Debian distributions such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint. To install this file, double click on it and you will be taken to the Package Installer:
Click Install Package and the game will be installed to the Menu -> Games folder. Once it is done you will see a message saying that your installation is complete and that is all that you have to do to install the Osmos Debian package.
Installing Revenge of the Titans (RevengeOfTheTitans-HIB-18012-amd64.deb)
This Debian package comes in two incarnations, a 32-bit and 64-bit package. I wasn't paying attention when I was downloading it and tried to install the 32-bit one on my system and was greeted by this helpful message:
This at least let me know to go back and download the 64-bit package. To install this one, the instructions are exactly the same as Osmos. Double click on the appropriate Debian package and then hit Install Package. The game will be found in the Menu -> Games folder.
Installing World of Goo (WorldOfGooSetups.1.41.deb)
Again, installing this package is very easy. Just double click on WorldOfGooSetup.1.41.deb and go to Install Package. World of Goo will be located in Menu -> Games.
Installing Aquaria (aquaria-lnx-humble-bundle.mojo.run)
Open a terminal and type the following commands to start installing Aquaria:
chmod +x aquaria-lnx-humble-bundle.mojo.run
It will be located in your Menu -> Games folder.
Installing Gish (gish153-1.tar.gz)
Open a terminal and navigate to gish153-1.tar.gz and then type the following commands:
tar xvf gish153-1.tar.gz
mv gish153 ~/gish
Now we need to create a menu icon in Main Menu. Go to Games -> New Item and use the following settings and an
Type: Application
Name: Gish
Command: bash -c "cd ~/gish && ./gish"
Installing Lugaru HD (lugaru-full-linux-x86-1.0c.bin)
This follows the same rules as the bin installations above, so we'll do that for this one as well in terminal:
chmod +x lugaru-full-linux-x86-1.0c.bin
That's it. Follow the installation screen and it'll be in your normal Menu -> Games screen.
Installing Penumbra Overture (penumbra_overture_1.1.sh)
This will install the same way as the bin files. Start by opening a terminal and typing the following commands:
chmod +x penumbra_overture_1.1.sh
Follow the dialogue and then the game will be installed to your games folder.
Installing Samorost 2 (samorost2_linux.zip)
Samorost 2 is a flash game that involves playing from an html file. So we're going to extract the contents of this game to a folder (keeping the same installation theme of the previous games ~/gamename, but not important). Open terminal and navigate to the zip file and type the command:
unzip samoros2_linux.zip -d ~/samorost2
Now go to Main Menu and set the
icon and launcher properties to the following:
Type: Application
Name: Samorost 2
Command: bash -c "cd ~/samorost2 && gnome-open Samorost2.html"
Again, with things that we've made an icon for, they won't run in MintMenu but they will run in the Gnome's Main Menu.
Minecraft Beta
You have probably heard about Minecraft - you may even own it. The game runs very well in Linux and is a Java game so it is cross-platform. This means there is very little you have to do (besides buying the game) to play the game. You can play it from the browser or download it from their website. Once it is downloaded, right click on the file and select Properties -> Permissions -> Check the box titled "Allow executing file as program" (this is the same chmod +x). Run the program once by double clicking it and let it patch everything by logging in. Now close the program and go back to your home user directory. Press CTRL+H to show hidden files and copy the minecraft.jar file into .minecraft. Now we need to make a Main Menu entry with an
icon and appropriate settings:
Type: Application
Name: Minecraft
Command: bash -c "cd ~/.minecraft && java -jar minecraft.jar"
And again, as a reminder, the Main Menu entries won't work with MintMenu. Also mods, skins, and texture packs to beautify Minecraft can be found at
Minecraft Forums. I suggest you head on over there and look for a pack that suits your interests.